Car seats - All groups
Car seats for babies and children from birth to 150 cm - 12 years
How to choose the best infant and child car seat and who is your group? Manufacturers have put on the market what are called Seating Groups, depending on age, height and weight.
Are you looking for two car seats to cover the entire growth phase of the child, or a modular seating system? Are you looking for a single, simple car seat? If you have any questions, please contact us, which car seat group to buy?
Group 2 3 - Group 1 - Group 0 - Rear facing
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Frequently asked questions before buying a car seat
1- What is the best car seat?
2- What child car seat would you need?
3- Why is it so important and safe to carry a rear facing baby or child in the car?
4- What does it mean that a car seat belongs to a group?
5- When can I change my child for a group 2-3 seat? ►Keep reading
6- When can a child's car seat be removed?
7- What is the i-Size regulation or standard?
8- Are seats with Plus Test regulations much safer?
9- Can a car seat continue to be used after an accident?
10- Why do child car seats have an approximate duration of use?
What is the best car seat for infants and children?
The best car seat is the one that best adapts to the most age-specific period of the child, that is, a child car seat that adapts to the constant growth of the child. child, either by age or by specific groups.
Group 0+: infant car seats, from newborn to around 15 months. The main feature of this group is its great versatility, allowing us to put on and take off the car seat with the child placed inside (the use of the isofix base is recommended) and we can also transport it in the stroller (if compatible).
Group 0-1: this type of car seat for babies and children is also used for newborns up to 105cm in height, if they comply with the i-Size standard (approximately 4 years and 18kg). The vast majority of car seats swivel towards the door to be able to place and remove the baby or child. There are also seats with these same characteristics but homologated in Group 1, about 61-65cm high as indicated by the manufacturer.
Group 2-3: this group of car seats is from 100cm height (height is important since the belt should never go higher than the shoulder, never reach the neck), about 4 years old. These are the seats that last the longest, as they are designed to be used up to 135-150cm in height, approximately 10-12 years.
But there are also other groups of car seats for babies and children.
Group 0-1-2-3: from newborn to 135-150 cm in height, its great advantage is very prolonged use. The downside of this multi-group is that it cannot ensure the safety or adaptation to the growth of the child as well as a car seat from a more specific group would.
Group 1-2-3: scalable car seats, they will serve us from 76 cm height of the child to 135-150 cm. Normally they are placed facing the road.
Group 0-1-2: car seats for children which are mainly characterized by being placed rearward to the road, from newborn to 25kg, around 5-6 years old. Most of these car seats are approved by the Plus Test seal.
Group 1-2: this group of car seats is similar to those in group 0-1-2, except that they begin to be used in group 1, that is, from 76 cm in height ( 5-6 months).
What child car seat do I need?
When we have a question about what we need as well as whether the seat we want will fit our car, it is best to seek professional advice. No one better than someone who has been in the business for over 25 years like us! You can contact us by email, phone +34 974 42 99 24 or WhatsApp +34 627 20 78 08
We will be happy to help you as best as possible!
When traveling, why is it so important and safe to place the baby or child rearward facing?
There are several reasons why we are placing the small rear facing.
· This orientation has been shown to be up to 5 times safer.
· It prevents most neck, head and cervical injuries.
Different studies, based on real accidents, show that the risk of death or injury decreases by about 5 times when we place the car seat backwards. The strength and movements of the head, neck and trunk are absorbed by the shell of the car seat, providing maximum protection for the child.
The younger the child, the more fragile he is and the more likely he is to die.
What is and what does it mean that a car seat belongs to a group?
Infant car seats of Gr 0, intended for newborns up to 13 kg, apx 15 months.
Car seats for babies and children of Gr 0-1, from newborn to 18kg (105cm high if they meet the i-Size standard), around 4 years old.
Car seats for baby and child Gr 1, from 9kg to 18kg approximately 9 months, up to 4 years.
Multi-group car seats Gr 1-2-3 for children from 9 kg to 36 kg, around 9 months up to 10-12 years (135-150 cm).
Child car seats Gr 2-3, for children weighing between 15 and 36kg, from 3 and a half to around 12 years old (135-150 cm high).
When can a child car seat be removed?
Always remove a child's car seat at the right time ► Continue reading